A3 Carbon Fiber Trim production – part 2

It’s a little after 1am and I just got done clearcoating a bunch of stuff.  I was going to wait until the morning to start posting pictures of everything, but I was so happy with how the sets turned out, I’m just going to start right now.

First up is the A3 set.  It’s the easiest set I’ve done to date, but that’s only because its 5 pieces total (where most are at least 8).  However, it’s still a little tricky because of the end caps on the door pieces and the fact that the shifter is slightly convex (most shifter plates are flat).

On to the pictures:

The set as a whole.  I’m so naive about A3 sets, I didn’t even know how to position the door pieces.  I can’t tell if these door pieces are upside down or right side up and was way too lazy to check it out online to pose them for the picture.  You get the idea though.

I’m really happy about how the shifter turned out, but I am still slightly nervous to see how it will look installed.  I’m only worried because on most of the Audi shifter plates you have a little room for error along the inside edge of the rim that is covered by a chrome ring or a shift boot or something.  Not so on this A3 shifter.  I’ll have to hold my breath until I see some pics of it installed.

Love these close ups.

You can’t tell from these pictures, but there are a few imperfections that still need to be polished out (you might be able to spot some if you look hard enough).  I’ll let these cure over the rest of the weak and hopefully I can get them polished up and sent to their owner by the middle of next week.

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