Another custom 4 by 4 twill carbon fiber trim set…

I’ve been working on this set for a long time now, but I wanted to make sure it was perfect since it’s for a friend of mine.  He got one of my 5.6oz 2×2 twill sets a little over 2 years ago and was looking for a change.  Originally I attempted a silver texalium set for him, but I wasn’t happy with the results so I convinced him to take a different route.  I suggested we go with a custom 4×4 twill fabric and at first he was a little hesitant since he was so dead set on silver.  But after I showed him some pictures of the progress, he seemed to have a change of heart and was convinced that the 4×4 was the right move.  It should be at his door by the end of the week, I’m looking forward to hearing his thoughts on it.

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