D2 A8 Carbon Fiber Trim Production – part 2

Was finally able to find some time to make some progress on this D2 A8 set.  I got the bulk of it clearcoated (I believe there are two large center console pieces that still need to be clearcoated, but they had some chips around the edges that needed to be fixed so they will be clearcoated in the next run).  These pieces are far from finished as there are a lot of imperfections that need to be wetsanded and polished out, but I am pretty happy with this set.

I think I will be selling the D2 platform at $800, but this first set will probably be discounted because I’m not 100% sure how well everything will fit.  Some pieces might need to be repaired or replaced as I figure out the nuances of the D2 and how much wiggle room I have to get the pieces to fit correctly.

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