You may remember the custom red and black CTS-V interior we did a few months ago and we’ve finally got a few installed photos. Now I know these aren’t the best photos in the world (they were taken with a cell phone) but they’re better than nothing. The owner has promised us legit photos with a […]
and it turned out great. I’ll be wrapping these pieces up next week and shipping them off to their owner, so hopefully we see some installed pictures of this set real soon. It is really hard to capture the color with a camera, but I did my best: In certain lights, the red looks dark […]
This one is for my friends over at who have been eagerly awaiting an update on these pieces. The main radio console piece took a lot longer than anticipated to get all trimmed and sanded out, but we were able to get it. Really looking forward to seeing how these pieces look installed. Few […]
Now that I’m an official vendor over at it’s the perfect time to do a full write up on the production of a CTS-V carbon fiber set of trim from start to finish. This particular set is going to be pretty custom, with red carbon/kevlar hybrid fabric being used on the main trim along the […]
Few more pictures of a finished 5HS carbon fiber. It will be getting installed this weekend so I should have tons of good pictures of it in the car very soon.
Just got done clearcoating the first set made with the new 5 harness satin (5HS) fabric I just got in. It is a 6k 11oz fabric, so it is pretty high quality. At first I wasn’t really sure how I felt about it from an aesthetic standpoint, but now seeing these pieces finally clearcoated I’m pretty happy […]
We’ve done a few B8 A4/S4 carbon fiber sets of trim so far, but up until now they have all been the standard 11oz 2×2 twill (you can see some of those sets in the B8 gallery). We recently got a bunch of B8 cores from Germany so we figured it would be time to […]