Just got this set polished up and shipped out. Turned out fantastic. We did these in a custom 4×4 twill fabric. First time we’ve ever done a CTS-V shift knob.
We just got started on some more CTS-V pieces for a customer in Chicago. He wanted to maintain the factory look of the original door and dash pieces, but still do something that would set his car apart. Eventually he decided to go with a red carbon/kevlar hybrid fabric just on his center console pieces. […]
We’ve been working on a CTS-V carbon fiber trunk trim for a customer that already has a set of interior trim. We finished it up last week and it is on the way to him. Once he gets it installed, I’ll post some more pictures. Here it is all finished up. We took the original […]
You may remember the custom red and black CTS-V interior we did a few months ago and we’ve finally got a few installed photos. Now I know these aren’t the best photos in the world (they were taken with a cell phone) but they’re better than nothing. The owner has promised us legit photos with a […]
These were done in the standard 2×2 twill fabric, so they’ve got a traditional carbon fiber look. I can’t wait to see some installed pictures so we can add them to the CTS-V gallery.
and it turned out great. I’ll be wrapping these pieces up next week and shipping them off to their owner, so hopefully we see some installed pictures of this set real soon. It is really hard to capture the color with a camera, but I did my best: In certain lights, the red looks dark […]
This one is for my friends over at CTSVowners.com who have been eagerly awaiting an update on these pieces. The main radio console piece took a lot longer than anticipated to get all trimmed and sanded out, but we were able to get it. Really looking forward to seeing how these pieces look installed. Few […]
After getting the CTS-V pieces wrapped over the weekend, it was time to start brushing on the epoxy. The red kevlar does not soak up the epoxy very well, so it takes a few coats to get it saturated. The black 8HS fabric is easily wetted out though. Only took a few coats for the […]
Now that I’m an official vendor over at CadillacForums.com it’s the perfect time to do a full write up on the production of a CTS-V carbon fiber set of trim from start to finish. This particular set is going to be pretty custom, with red carbon/kevlar hybrid fabric being used on the main trim along the […]
A former Audi customer of mine contacted me a few weeks ago about doing a custom set of carbon fiber trim for his 2008 Cadillac CTS-V. I’ve always wanted to do a higher end American car, especially one that performs as well as the CTS-V, so I happily obliged. The trim I got from him is […]