The camera doesn’t really do these pieces justice (my cheapo digital that is covered in resin coupled with fluorescent lights in the warehouse). The look like a bright red and blue, but in person they are more of a deep, subtle color. Once I add the resin, they will darken up a bit as well. I’ll continue […]
Got the 8HS B8 trim clearcoated a little while ago and it turned out pretty good. These pieces should look very similar to the OEM carbon fiber trim, minus the faux metal piece that sits on the edges of the OEM set.
Just got done clearcoating the first set made with the new 5 harness satin (5HS) fabric I just got in. It is a 6k 11oz fabric, so it is pretty high quality. At first I wasn’t really sure how I felt about it from an aesthetic standpoint, but now seeing these pieces finally clearcoated I’m pretty happy […]
Those of you that are following the blog know that we’ve been making a bunch of sets with new, custom fabric. Now we’ve got the first B5 set with the 8 harness satin (8HS) weave. It is the same type of fabric found on the B8 Audi S4 and S5 OEM carbon fiber trim, so […]
I had posted up about a few custom B8 sets we’ve been working on and we finally got the first one wrapped up. I’m really happy with how it turned out and can’t wait to get some pictures back of it installed. I hope to have the other custom B8 sets finished by the end […]
We’ve done a few B8 A4/S4 carbon fiber sets of trim so far, but up until now they have all been the standard 11oz 2×2 twill (you can see some of those sets in the B8 gallery). We recently got a bunch of B8 cores from Germany so we figured it would be time to […]
I’ve been anxious to see what this setup would look like for a while now, so I was happy to finally get some decent photos. I think it fits pretty well with the two tone interior and adds a nice contrast. Rest of the gallery can be found here: Barry’s A4.
Lots of progress on the B8 vent and MMI pieces. These will be getting sent out on Monday so hopefully we’ll have some installed pictures shortly. Before we start, the black pieces are for the B8 A4/S4 and are done in a 11oz 2×2 twill. The red pieces are for a B8 A5/S5 and are […]
and once again I’m very happy with the results. When you see the images of this set right after it was clearcoated, you may notice specs of dust or imperfections in the clear. All of these need to be wetsanded and polished out of the finish. After wetsanding with high grit sandpaper (1500+) the set […]
and it looks fantastic. It might be hard to tell from these photos, as they look very similar to photos of most every other set I’ve posted, but I can see there has been a definitive upgrade in quality of the overall finish of the parts. They are much smoother and the gloss appears to […]
Few shots of some custom B5 beltline sets that I’ve been working on recently. First up is a plain weave set. It’s very similar to a standard 11oz 2×2 twill set, the weave is just slightly different. This plain is 9oz 1×1 weave. It’s got more of a checkerboard look the diagonal the twill sets […]
I’m liking this fabric more and more as I continue to complete sets with it. This is the 4th overall 20oz set I’ve completed (two B5 sets and this is the second B6/B7 set). The thicker fabric has a much tighter weave.